Sunday, October 26, 2008


When I said I was homesick most people thing I am missing my family and friends. Don’t get me wrong, I really miss my friends and family, but who I really feel out of reach with is my animals.
I have two dogs and a cat. The first dog, I’ve had for seven years. She is a golden retriever/dotson mix. She basically looks like a short Golden Retriever. Her name is Copper. Coppers is an outside dog that does not have to be kept in a pin or on a leash because she won’t run away. Copper will follow me everywhere, but she will also wait on me until I’m ready to leave and then she will escort me home. She loves to play fetch! I have to stay stocked up on tennis balls though because she has a silly habit of burying them.
My second dog, I got from my boyfriend for Christmas about 3 years ago. She is so adorable! She is a golden Pomeranian and here name is Cinnamon. She is the funniest little dog. She is so affectionate and loving to me, but if anyone comes near me she will bite and snap and just be a ferocious little monster! Cinnamon is my inside dog and she always sleeps in my bed and my sister says she will lie on my bed and whine because I am not there.
My cat is named Celeste. It is pronounced “SA-lest”. She is a wild little kitty! But I love here to death. I found her starving to death at the beginning of the summer. She was just a baby. I looked for here mom and siblings but couldn’t find them. My parents were NOT thrilled that I brought home ANOTHER animal, but she was starving and she needed my help and I stood my ground and after I had nursed her back to health, they said that I could keep her. She is an inside at and she drives Cinnamon crazy. Celeste will go pounce on Cinnamon and the greats chase always ensues. I really miss my animals!